Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final Project - Week 3 Report


status update 3.

unfortunately, production this week has been greatly hampered by the penultimate thesis review (on friday). in the interest of high production in short time, i reverted back to working primarily in rhino to lock down the "extreme" conditions. i've been working mostly in the summer cracked condition, with the winter hopefully to be finished for the review.

my method throughout this project has been to design in rhino, and basically prove if my idea works or doesn't work in digital project, while also using it to determine what happens in the intermediate zones between the closed winter wall position and the cracked summer position.

for the review i have been focusing on more realistic fabric conditions (that were determined through using digital project in week 2), while also placing the locations of the sma wires within the fabric zone. my aim for the final is to build the fabric surface in dp, controlled from the previously created splines, and to place the vertically running smas onto this fabric zone, constrained to their actual points on the spline. i would also like to utilize a length constraint to keep the length of the smas consistent during motion. this will allow for an accurate understanding of the movement of the fabric walls, as well as (hopefully) create an interesting and informative animation.

progress on the fabric zones and smas can be seen below....

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