Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tutorial 6 - Knowledge Patterns


from the project brief.......

Knowledge Patterns allow for the scripted instantiation of powercopies or document templates in the form of user defined features. While this seems like a simple tool, it allows for the reduction or increase in the number of parts and allows for a greater increase in complexity. This is really the generative aspect of computing.

Show 5 variations that highlight the impact of the tool being studied.

EcoLogicStudio - Light Wall

for the knowledge pattern, i chose the precedent of the 'light wall' by EcoLogicStudio. prom their webpage:
The concept of lightwall reinterpret the traditional massive Italian wall as a thick solid sponge, whose ability to absorb and filter heat, light and view can be changed and adapted to contextual requirements.
i was interested in replicating the general idea of the shifting and diminishing opening characteristic of the wall, with the goal of eventually improving my scripting ability to allow for the gradation in size of the apertures as done on the EcoLogicStudio project.


base design.

i was interested in how the curves and surfaces would respond to an undulating surface, with multiple curves, so i created an initial wall design with a number of adaptable parameters for how far the upper and lower points would push out from the mid point. i also made sure that the framework had the ability to be made more dense or thin (in terms of the number of total panels) by easily changing the parameters (as per the tutorial). i also played with a number of options to control the color of the wall, by changing the code within the script.


variation 2.

with the aim of producing the apertures similar to the precedent wall, i changed the surface file to have an opening. linked to points controlled on the four sides through a ratio to determine their location. by copying the new parameters for location of the corners of the openings into the script of the design file, i am able to easily change the location of the openings, as well as the number of panels.


variation 3.

to more accurately depict the thickness inherent in the wall, i created a new sketch within the surface file to allow an offset within each panel. i created the sketch on a plane through the mean of the four corner points along the curves. i also created a parameter to control the distance of the offset that is linked to the overall diagonal length of the panel, thus allowing for variations that are dependent upon the unique size of every panel.


variation 4.

in order to achieve the turning, closing aperture feel of the precedent wall, i created a depth within the panels by offsetting a new plane at a distance controlled by a length parameter. on this new plane i constructed a sketch just as in the initial plane, however, when drawing the lines to control the points, i drew them in the opposite direction. this allows a point on the first plane at "2 of 10" to lie at "8 of 10" on the second plane. this second opening was also given a larger offset so as to make the opening smaller than the first. i then created a multi section solid to create the inner opening. in the design file, i inserted within the script all of the new parameters that i created, thus allowing for easy adapting within the design file. i chose to make the wall flat in this variation as the undulations were causing problems with the depth. also, by skewing the initial sketch, i was able to achieve a large variation in the panel sizes, resulting in a similar wide variation of aperture conditions.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tutorial 5 - Rules For Subtraction


from the project brief.......

The intent of tutorial 5 is to introduce the Document Template as different form of advanced replication, that allows for the use of solids (and surfaces). In addition to the Document Template, the use of rules will be folded into the discussion.

Model the parts of a project that use a series of related solids. In addition to the part being defined by the framework are there ways the part might be additionally defi ned by external dimensions or points?

Zaha Hadid Blog

Patrik Schumacher - "Parametricism - A New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design"

i was interested in using Zaha Hadid's proposal for a urban development pattern as it offered a lear idea for a grid layout with variations in the treatment of heights and thicknesses. after completing the tutorial using two flat planes to define the base and top of the created columns, i was interested in using a more complex form to determine the heights of the buildings, as well as an exaggerated base grid to test the limits of the inserted document template. unfortunately their were a number of issues resulting in the final completion.



i first set up a simple grid in which to insert the created block units. the grid was purposely skewed and aligned to provide a number of options of plan type.

in order to contriol the heights, rather than using a flat plane, i chose to create a multi-section surface related to height parameters i created.


block set-up.

to create the block, i started a new part file and copied the four point from the base and multi-section surface and "pasted special" into the new file, clicking on the "as result".

with the reference in place, i created the base by projecting the bottom four points into a new sketch and creating a polyline for the outside. i then offset the profile to create a void space. the void space's corners are coincident with diagonals across the block, and the distance from the corner is defined by a created parameter.

to create the top, i inserted a plane through the mean of the four points, and similarly made an outline with a void tied to a different parameter.

i then made the sketches into output profiles, and created a multi-section solid from the outside profiles along a guide from corner to corner in order to avoid the bending it tried to create. for the void, i created a multi-section sold removal from the interior points.



the final block piece.

revised parameters.

reulting massing with document template insertions.

a problem existed with a number of the blocks appearing to be to constricted as a result of the base grid/height combo, so i tried going back into the framework sketch to make changes, however the overall product would not update. i tried this a number of times, and even built new blocks and frameworks, all resulting in the same problem of updating the product.

i'm wondering if the fact that i created the base and top surfaces in a sketch within the block part file was the reason for it lacking adaptability? if i had created the block directly in 3d space would it have resulted in a better file? i chose to do sketches since i had trouble determining certain parameters in the 3d space initially.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tutorial 4 - Framework Form


from the project brief.......

//Intent// The intent of tutorial 4 is to introduce the Power Copy as an intelligent form of advanced replication. The Power Copy function initiates the discussion of complexity and variation for the semester.

//Tasks// Find a project that uses a series of panels or tiles to defi ne a surface. Develop a powercopy based on the panel. As the framework changes what type of intelligence is embedded within the part?

(world architecture news)

for this tutorial, i chose to use jean nouvel's tower in manhattan, along the hudson in chelsea. i chose this project, as it's facade is constructed of a series of prefab panels containing glass panes floating at varying angles and in different sizes, floating in an extruded frame. i was curious if by utilizing the power copy, i could create a simple plane, and then, based upon the locations of the points in the z-axis, if the power copy reproduction would respond to plane changes, or if this would create issues.



in making the panel layout system, i first constructed a framework of a portion of the facade. the framework was laid out as a 10'x10' grid, with the spacing for the vertical dividers being 1/3 the length, while the horizontal dividers are at 2/5 the height. the exterior perimeter utilizes a length parameter, allowing for easy adapting, and as the dividers are linked to the length, they will also change in accordance with the perimeter's changes.

from the base grid, the glass panel pieces are laid out.

the facade has (to some extent) three heights within the frames that the glass attaches to. to account for this, i created a height guide (linked to a length parameter) with points at each and, and one in the middle.

i created a power copy of this height guide and placed a copy at each corner on the panel system, allowing for the variations in angles and layouts of the facade system's glass.


glass panels.

to create the glass panel, i created a rectangle, from the 4 points on the height guides. to create unique conditions, i then created an offset on each side, linked to a parameter, to remove it from the center of the frame line (with the idea that the rectilinear metal frame of the facade system could be added later). i also gave the length of the rectangle a reference dimension, and created a fillet between each corner, with a radius equaling the reference dimendsion multiplied by a created radius multiplier parameter. this allows the radius of the fillet's to be in direct relation to the length of the panel as the power copies change in size.

the profile of the sketch was turned into an 'output profile,' and by using a 'fill' the surface was created.

the original panel was then power copied to the other locations, and, by choosing different heights along the height guide, i was able to give each panel its angle, as per the facade system in nouvel's tower.

an error occured on a few of the power copies where the offset was somehow swapped, and instead of offsetting internally, it offset to the exterior. to fix this i clicked on the 'swap location' button, which inverted the offset. i then re-filleted the corners and the problem was resolved.



with the height guides linked to a parameter, it is easy to change the vertical orientation of the panels within the overall framing system.

similarly, with the corner radii linked to a parameter, the corner situation is adaptable.

finally, the offset from the center of the frame is also controlled though a parameter, and can easily be adapted to accommodate changes in frame size.